sea pen
Pteroeides sp.*
Family Pennatulidae
Dec 2019
seen? This feathery colony is sometimes seen on our Northern
shores. In soft silty sand and near seagrasses. The colony does not
harbour symbiotic algae (zooxanthellae) and can thus thrive in murky
Features: Those seen on our shores
are about 15-20cm long (but some species of Pteroides are said
to grow to 60cm long!). According to Reef
Corals of the Indo-Malayan Seas globally, there are about 17 species
of Pteroeides.
Each colony is stout and feather-like. Made up of a sausage-like 'stem'
some are plain, others with brown blotches. Some have an orange 'foot',
usually buried and seen only in uprooted sea pens. Short (2-3cm) leaf-like
structures symmetrically on both sides of the 'stem'. These 'leaves'
supported by rays of many long needle-like sharp spikes that stick
out of the leaf edge. When exposed at low tide, the central stalk
is often bent over in half so the colony looks like a limp feather.
Tiny feeding polyps (autozooids) with 8 branched tentacles emerge
from these 'leaves' when submerged. The autozooids can retract completely,
leaving tiny bumps on the 'leaf' edges. The colony also has another
kind of polyp that sucks in water (siphonozooids) and which are minute,
numerous and crowded near edges of the 'leaves'. |

Changi, Jul 12 |

Autozooids emerging from the 'leaf' edge.
Changi, Jul 12 |

Tiny polyps.
Pulau Sekudu, Aug 13 |
Pen pals: The tiny Painted
porcelain crab (Porcellanella picta) is often found in this sea pen. Sometimes a pair is seen in one sea pen, at other times, many are seen. Washed
up sea pens sometimes seen with colourful
brittle stars and other brittle stars. Less friendly animals associated with it are nudibranchs that eat them! |

over at low tide
Changi, Jul 04
are difficult to positively identify without close examination.
this website, they are grouped by external features for convenience of display.
sea pens on Singapore shores |
Other sightings on Singapore shores |

Coney Island, Nov 15
shared by Loh Kok Sheng on flickr. |

Pulau Ubin, Dec 09
shared by James Koh on his
blog. |

Tuas, Jun 10
shared by Toh Chay Hoon on her
blog. |

Changi East (Lost Coast), Jul 24
Photo shared by Kelvin Yong on facebook.

East Coast, NSRCC, Nov 20
Photo shared by Richard Kuah on facebook. |

Tanah Merah, Feb 09

Tanah Merah, Aug 09
shared by James Koh on his
blog. |

Sentosa Serapong, Jun 16
Photo shared by Ian Siah on facebook.

Seringat-Kias, Aug 12
shared by Loh Kok Sheng on flickr. |
- Erhardt,
Harry and Daniel Knop. 2005. Corals:
Indo-Pacific Field Guide
IKAN-Unterwasserachiv, Frankfurt. 305 pp.