Sertularella sp.*
Family Sertulariidae
Dec 2019
seen? This elegant colony of tiny animals is sometimes
seen on our Northern shores, but often overlooked as it resembles
a plant. It grows on boulders and coral rubble. It is also often seen
by divers on our Southern shores.
Features: Each 'frond' 10-15cm
long with regularly spaced branches that form a large elegant fern-like
shape. Usually bright orange, but sometimes covered with encrusting
organisms. This hydroid is eaten by the Cuthona
nudibranch. |

Beting Bronok, Jun 03 |

polyps of the hydroid.
Beting Bronok, Jun 10 |
*Species are difficult
to positively identify without close examination.
On this website, the animals are grouped by external features for convenience
of display.
hydroids on Singapore shores |
Other sightings on Singapore shores |

Beting Bronok, May 11

East Coast, Jun 06

East Coast, Jun 09
- Gosliner,
Terrence M., David W. Behrens and Gary C. Williams. 1996. Coral
Reef Animals of the Indo-Pacific: Animal life from Africa to Hawaii
exclusive of the vertebrates
Sea Challengers. 314pp.