Phylum Chordata
| Subphylum Tunicata/Urochordata | Class Ascidiacea |
sheet ascidians
Didemnum psammatodes* Family Didemnidae
Nov 2019
seen? These
thin beige sheets are often seen on our Northern shores, and sometimes
on our Southern shores.
Features: Colony
irregular in outline, about 5-10cm in diameter, found near
the mid-water mark, encrusting
vertical and horizontal hard surfaces including artificial structures.
Also under stones. The colony is smooth, rubbery with many, tightly packed tiny
spots. Usually beige in colour.
In Serina Lee's article, photos of Didemnum psammatodes closely resemble these animals, including a close up of "fecal pellets and oral siphons marked with rings of spicules on the surface of colony". According to other descriptions, the colour of Didemnum psammatodes comes from the dense packing of fecal pellets throughout the colony.
What eats them? Various kinds
of flatworms (Order
Polycladida) are sometimes seen on the sheets, possibly eating them. |

East Coast, Jun 09 |

East Coast, Jun 09 |

Changi, Aug 12 |

Beting Bronok, Jun 10

Flatworm on the ascidian.

Chek Jawa, Aug 05

flatworms were seen on Beige sheet
ascidians growing beneath a stone.
Tanah Merah, Dec 10
are difficult to positively identify without examination of internal parts.
On this website, they are grouped by external features for convenience of
sheet ascidians on Singapore shores |
- Didemnum psammatodes on the National Exotic Marine and Estuarine Species Information System, Smithsonian Environmental Research Centre.
- Serina S-C Lee, Janlin Y-H Chan, Serena L-M Teo & Gretchen Lambert. State of knowledge of ascidian diversity in South China Sea and new records for Singapore. 29 June 2016. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement No. 34: 718–743.