Recently, a few marine researchers
noticed during a research dive, a drift net
off Lazarus island. With a few other volunteers, and on their own
time, they decided to take out
the net early this week.
It was hard work. Hard on the back
and hard on the heart.

It is heartbreaking to see all
the creatures that caught in the net.

These include fragile corals. The abrasion from movement of the
nets injure/kill the polyps. And injured parts of corals get overgrown
with algae/other organisms very fast (especially in Singapore waters
where the rate of algal growth is very high).
The drift net also traps countless crabs, fishes and all manner
of sea creatures.
More than 90% or more of these creatures will simply be thrown back
dead into the sea; for the few that the drift-netters find marketable.
Drift netting is among the
most damaging ways to harvest the sea.
It is banned in many countries.
In Singapore, it is not uncommon to come across drift nets on many
of our already fragile shores. Here are some
drift-netters on Kusu Island.
caught in the net were carefully released, a tricky job to do while
avoiding angry pincers.

The crab is released into the water..
can you do
about drift nets?
Learn about drift nets:
The internet has lots of information. You might want to start
with the background provided on the UK
Diving website
Share about drift nets:
Tell others what you know
Take action:
Remove drift nets when you see them. Even those left tangled
on the shores can continue to kill creatures.
Speak up about drift nets:
Write about what you have seen and how you feel about drift
Consultation Portal Feedback Unit, click on General Feedback
under Feedback Channels. or email them at feedback_unit@mcds.gov.sg
Snail mail: The Feedback Unit, MCDS Building, #14-00 512 Thomson
Road, Singapore 298136 |
by Debby,
with Tse-Lynn's camera,
processed by Jani