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How to view my MMS logs on the moblog

How to view my MMS logs
The Blog Engine doesn't allow for separation of a series of MMS uploads by subject. So everything runs annoyingly together. And to complicate things further, last photo taken is displayed first.

Thus, I've numbered the MMS uploads and indicated which one is last. To view the MSS uploads, scroll to find the first of the series, numbered #1 and read backwards.

The navigation bar is currently only at the top of the page and not at the bottom. Just to make it extra challenging for everyone :-)

Sorry, hor. Is like that :-)

For past uploads, I've done a website version of the mss uploads for easier browsing.

My experience mobloging through MMS...
At first I was a real clutz at it. Fumbling with the tiny dials on this delicate thing they called a mobile phone that they lent me. (I'm more used to my Very Manly Siemens which can withstand seawater, rain, hailstorm and Falling Down from Very High Places). The clam-shell configuration was really annoying as it meant I couldn't handle it inside a plastic bag in the rain. It has no holder, only a lady-like strap that I ended up biting between my teeth whenever I couldn't hold it. Some more, totally didn't match the rest of my Manly Field Gear at all. It's just too cute. :-)

But eventually, I got hooked on it. As a photographer, it's great to have something to take photos with all the time (though blurry and tiny photos). And people don't seem to be as intimidated by a camera phone as they are with my gigantic Real Camera.

It was wonderful that I could immediately share what I see and experience with others. Life as it happens. The fleeting moments of meeting new visitors joining my group, little bits of nature that surprise and delight, or simply the clear blue blue sky and glorious sunshine.

I hope to visit as many of our wilder places as I can during the moblog period. So I can share them with you. During lunchtime, the parks in our wonderful city. On weekends, wherever I am guiding. And on my other trips (usually at ungodly hours), whenever the light permits (no flash leh). Do check out my uploads.

So do drop by the moblog. I promise to share with you all the wild sights that I encounter every day of this wonderful place we call Singapore and home :-)

...and oh yes...a little secret...
I still haven't mastered this keying all kinds of long words in sms for the MMS uploads. So I cheat. I upload just the photo first, then go home and add the words on the PC. So sometimes, you might see just the photo with no explanations. That means I'm on my way home yah?

Here's an update on my experiences moblogging after the moblog period.

After using it for the moblog period, I am quite impressed by Feeble Phone. It survived drizzles, a fall from a Low Height, and generally being jostled and abused in the harshest places possible. But I still prefer my Manly Phone :-)

Moblogging was fun, but on long long days after seriously hard field trips, it was a struggle to have yet ONE more admin matter to deal with at the end of the trip. Particularly since adding comments to an mms upload is no trivial matter... see my views on the technical and support issues of the moblog.


these blog entries were first uploaded on MoBlog Singapore! Celebrate Singapore NDP 04
website©ria tan 2004