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  our wild singapore: Kusu Island
mms upload for 29 Aug 04 (Sun)

29/08/04 02:43 Field trip to Kusu #1:
All too soon, we're off again. This will be our last visit to Kusu in the morning until next year.
29/08/04 02:51 Field trip to Kusu #2:
It's a full moon! Tomorrow is Chap Gor Mei, the 15th day of the lunar month.
29/08/04 02:52 Field trip to Kusu #3:
Tom tapes the lights of the city as we leave the harbour.
29/08/04 07:09 Field trip to Kusu #4:
As the sun rises, the tide does too. Finally, I can stop taking photos. Here is the lagoon at Kusu with the city skyline in the distance.
29/08/04 07:14 Field trip to Kusu #6:
Every field kit MUST have sustenance giving items and not just useless manly toys. Yes, indeed, it's time for a Kit Kat. Alas, after a few hours out of the fridge, instead of crunchy snack, it was a slimy mess that I literally had to lick off the wrapper....
29/08/04 08:31 Field trip to Kusu #7:
After a short nap while the others are still hard at work :-) ...it's time to leave. Four feisty flags wave us good bye...
29/08/04 08:32 Field trip to Kusu #8:
The tide came in rapidly today resulting in quite scary currents in the narrow channel between Kusu and Lazarus. Getting on the boat is a bit tricky, with all the heavy gear.
29/08/04 08:33 Field trip to Kusu #9:
We pass by the remains of Seringat, one of our rich reefs that was reclaimed.
29/08/04 09:01 Field trip to Kusu #10:
All too soon, we approach the city. Singapore is a city by the sea, but for many Singaporeans the sea is no longer a part of their lives. Time to reconnect with the marvels of our shores.

Gallery of photos that I took today at Kusu

More about Kusu's shores: more photos and info


these blog entries were first uploaded on MoBlog Singapore! Celebrate Singapore NDP 04
website©ria tan 2004