12:55 Bedok Reservoir Park #1: It's a lovely blue-sky afternoon, and
I thought I'd take the long drive from my workplace to this HUGE park.
12:57 Bedok Reservoir Park #2: Shady but sparsely planted trees form
a ring around the enormous body of water... |
12:58 Bedok Reservoir Park #3: It's blue waters and blue skies as
far as the eye can see. There's a gravel jogging track surrounding
the reservoir that must be well used in the cool evenings or early
mornings. |
12:58 Bedok Reservoir Park #4: Bedok is my childhood home and I remember
playing in lallang next to a VERY long conveyor belt that carried
granite and sand 24-hours a day from somewhere in the heart of Bedok
to reclaim the East Coast shore. I got the impression that this sand
and granite came from a hill in Bedok that was carved down to bedrock
and is now Bedok Reservoir. I never really could confirm this. |
13:06 Bedok Reservoir Park #5: Oops, there were LOTS of signs in the
park proclaiming LOUDLY what was NOT allowed. |
13:07 Bedok Reservoir Park #5: But these don't deter the diehards
who come to enjoy the peace and quiet in the Park. Here's one such
soul...oh no...he came on a bicycle :-) |
13:07 Bedok Reservoir Park #6: There was a large field "planted" with
tall poles for bird singing enthusiasts. All empty now, perhaps it's
the hot weather... |
26/08/04 13:08 Bedok Reservoir Park #7: But then how come these bird
singing poles OUTSIDE the park near the carpark was full of birds?
Their patient owners sat in the shade observing their treasures. |
13:09 Bedok Reservoir Park #8: There were several bird shops in the
shopping area just next to the park. It personally hurts me to see
birds in cages. I just cannot understand how any one can enjoy the
singing of a creature that is caged... |
13:10 Bedok Reservoir Park #9: In a tiny plot in the middle of the
shopping area, a succulent papaya tree and bush full of juicy jambus.
The papaya fruits were lovingly wrapped, awaiting ripening. |
13:11 Bedok Reservoir Park #10: A closer look at those juicy jambus...yumm.
13:12 Bedok Reservoir Park #11 (last): As I leave the park, I notice
a portion has been left wild. That's good. It will provide food and
shelter for some of our wilder creatures and provide opportunities
for people to interact with them. |