12:28 Bukit Batok Nature Park #1:
A lovely park that I was saving for a day when I could spend a little
bit more than 15 minutes rushing through it :-)
12:35 Bukit Batok Nature Park #2:
A short stroll from the entrance along a wide path leads you to the
quarry. When the water overflows the quarry, it runs along a natural
stream; a fascinating place for little children to find fishies and
other small aquatic creatures. |
12:38 Bukit Batok Nature Park #3:
There are shady paved paths leading up the hill, meandering under
tall trees with shelters at regular intervals. |
12:39 Bukit Batok Nature Park #4:
Among the strange trees you might see is this Handkerchief Tree. The
young leaves are pink and droop down in bunches. |
12:41 Bukit Batok Nature Park #5:
There are other trees of greater interest to Singaporeans too in the
Park. But they can pose a danger to the unwary :-) |
12:43 Bukit Batok Nature Park #6:
As you reach the top of the hill, there are look-out points with fabulous
views of the quarry and park areas below. |
12:44 Bukit Batok Nature Park #7:
This magnificent view often attracts photographers... |
24/08/04 12:45 Bukit Batok Nature Park #8:
But do be careful and stay behind the railings. The sides are steep
and crumbly and signs show clearly what can go Seriously Wrong if
you don't. |
12:46 Bukit Batok Nature Park #9:
A walk through the Park often rewards with the sights and sounds of
all kinds of birds. There are signs with pictures and stories about
some of these birds. My favourite is the drongo which has a strange
long tail. |
12:49 Bukit Batok Nature Park #10:
I also saw a monitor lizard (possibly a Clouded and not the usual
Water monitor); lots of squirrels and what looked like a forest rat.
Monkeys are sometimes also seen. Please do not feed them. |
12:51 Bukit Batok Nature Park #11:
At the top of Bukit Batok is a memorial marking the Japanese and Allied
Forces monuments to those fallen in WWII. You can also drive up to
the monument from the main road. But it's a much nicer walk under
the trees from the Park. |
12:55 Bukit Batok Nature Park #12:
Even in the afternoon there are people out and about walking the trail.
It's even more popular in the evenings and weekends. |
13:02 Bukit Batok Nature Park #13 (last):
A last look at the Park on the trail which winds under tall tall trees.