08:38 Spider Hunt at Central Nature Reserve #1: We're off again with
Joseph to check out a biking trail at the edge of the Reserve. It's
lovely cool morning, though it is threatening to rain. |
09:06 Spider Hunt at Central Nature Reserve #2: The wide grassy areas
has lots of Lawn Wolf Spiders and their webs that look like delicate
little tents. Tom is filming them as the morning dew makes their tents
more visible. |
22/08/04 09:40 Spider Hunt at Central Nature Reserve #3: There is
a wide road with lots of lovely vegetation on one side and a freshwater
stream on the other side. Dragonflies, butterflies abound. And Alvin
spots the Changeable Hawk! |
10:10 Spider Hunt at Central Nature Reserve #4:
An hour later, we follow a little trail off the main trail. It looks
very promising and indeed, Alvin spots a spider which Joseph says
is a new record for the area. The spider looks a little like a scorpion.
10:27 Spider Hunt at Central Nature Reserve #5: There are signs showing
the trail which leads for another 5km. That's way too far away. Anyway,
it's time to go home as Joseph has lots of other appointments. |
10:47 Spider Hunt at Central Nature Reserve #6:
On the way back, we pass by a lovely stretch of freshwater under tall
trees. I'm sure it's full of interesting freshwater life, which we
should explore on another visit. |
10:53 Spider Hunt at Central Nature Reserve #7:
It's a wonderful pastoral view of tall trees, meadows and streams
that you would never imagine you could find in Singapore. |
10:54 Spider Hunt at Central Nature Reserve #8:
A closer look at some of the pretty water plants growing on the marshy
portions. Chay Hoon found a dragonfly larva which lives in the water.
It's fierce for such a tiny creature. |
11:01 Spider Hunt at Central Nature Reserve #9: More bikers are starting
to come in. We nearly got run down several times when we were walking
the trail. Sigh. And fortunately, none of the bikers got entangled
in our mono- and tri-pods. Which could be come trip-pods if we weren't
careful. |
11:56 Spider Hunt at Central Nature Reserve #10:
I also learnt earlier about Ticks in the Forest. Apparently, some
kinds can burrow into your skin where they really itch for a long
long time. This is scarier than sandflies and stonefishes!! |
11:57 Spider Hunt at Central Nature Reserve #11 (last): We quickly
peruse our now much-referred-to Guide to Dangerous Animals and find
an ENTIRE chapter on Ticks. This is Bad News. Apparently, they can
cause serious damage. But Alvin assures us that they are NOT that
common in our forests, and we should be safe if we wear long pants,
covered shoes and lots of repellent. And NEVER sit down on rotting
logs. |
17:46 Bug Hunt #1:
You don't need to go out to the field to find bugs. There's plenty
at Base Camp. Kok Leong decides he can't stand the thick accumulation
of dead bugs in the lamps and cleans them ALL out. |
17:47 Bug Hunt #2:
And there's a HUGE pile of them!! With an amazing variety of stuff
that you could never imagine would find their way into a lamp. |
17:48 Bug Hunt #3 (last):
The Bug Graveyard includes honey bees and largish moths. Also cute
little green shield bugs and a whole assortment of teeny little things.