08:55 Good Morning! It's a gloomy morning but little plants-in-a-can
brighten up odd corners of the office. The cactus is still tiny, but
the capsicum plant is doing very well. We are all waiting for the
little chillies to turn red :-) I'm sorry yesterday was an mss desert.
Today no chance to sneak out either cos got another business lunch.
But tonight got field trip!! And lots of trips this weekend too. |
18:25 Spider Hunt at Central Nature Reserve #1:
Its raining :( so we have dinner first :) Joseph really knows how
to treat us to a good dinner. The only problem is getting him NOT
to order too much food, or we will be too sleepy to work hard. |
20/08/04 19:15 Spider Hunt at Central Nature Reserve #2: We arrive
at the start point as the light is going out. Here is Tom lighting
up Dr Chua in the dying daylight. It is still drizzling, but the jungle
calls to us and we head out. |
19:22 Spider Hunt at Central Nature Reserve #3: We start combing the
undergrowth for those elusive spiders. But the steady drizzle keeps
them in their hiding places and the shiny vegetation makes it hard
to spot them. |
19:29 Spider Hunt at Central Nature Reserve #4: There are huge tree
ferns and all kinds of interesting plants. The air is cool, the song
of frogs and insects ringing in the air. It's still drizzling but
all toys are out of their camera bags and are busily being used. |
19:31 Spider Hunt at Central Nature Reserve #5:
In the last light of this wet evening, the lacy roof of the forest.
Later in the evening we reached the freshwater stream and encounter
interesting frogs and the amazing water scorpion! |
19:34 Spider Hunt at Central Nature Reserve #6 (last): And here, the
vague shadows of a huge rattan. We later encounter a lovely green
whip snake, fast asleep in a bush!! A truly wonderful sight. And all
kinds of other little insects, and of course, some spiders. We end
early as the spiders are not exactly partying, and we are getting
really soggy from the drizzle. Photos of the trip will be up soon!