08:02 Good Morning! chorus the pretty little roses. Cheesy you may
say :-) but the perfume and sight of these beauties are a delight
for the soul. |
11/08/04 13:25 Guess Where? #1:
Have a tiny bit of time in between meetings to zip through this special
stretch of wilderness not 10 mins from Orchard Road. Here's your first
clue...the railway line which winds through lots of vegetation.
by leykun Posted on 11/08/04 17:54
Hmmmm.... Bt Gombak? |
13:28 Guess Where? #2:
And not far down the road, it's hiking country. Yes, Kok Leong, I
slowed down. In fact, I stopped and got out of the car to take the
sign and almost got run down by other cars zooming by (for a change).
by kllow14 Posted on 11/08/04 14:50
Must obey the road signs yeah you speedster. |
13:28 Guess Where? #3:
There's a lovely mountain biking trail here. Rugged terrain through
some of the last wild parts of Singapore. |
13:29 Guess Where? #4:
Here's a part of the mountain biking trail, winding through forest
under tall trees. |
13:32 Guess Where? #5:
Further down the road, we intersect an interesting walking trail through
the forest. |
13:33 Guess Where? #6:
There are clear signages of the trail going over a stream. |
13:34 Guess Where? #7:
Near the trail is one of the most rustic carparks I've seen. All covered
in leaves...lovely. But it would no doubt drive Kok Leong berserk
and make him just want to whip out the leaf blower...again. |
13:35 Guess Where? #8:
The road winds under tall trees. You can hear the birds singing even
in your car. |
13:38 Guess Where? #9:
And who should I bump into but Joseph Lai! What a lovely surprise.
He is doing a recce for a walk he intends to conduct for families.
13:39 Guess Where? #10:
We stopped a while to check out this point as a possible entrance
to the pipeline area which makes for a really nice walk. Unfortunately,
this wasn't found suitable for families with kids. |
13:59 Guess Where? #11:
At the end of the road, another series of trails into the Central
Nature Reserve with signages. There was a little military thing going
on at this area, so I scooted off quickly before too many questions
got asked. |
14:02 Guess Where? #12:
Back down the road, a lovely view of the Hill, misty and tall in the
distance. |
14:04 Guess Where? #13:
There's a little stretch over a major highway...hard to take a proper
photo without getting out of the car, which is not a good idea to
do on this narrow road. |
14:08 Guess Where? #14 (last):
Here's your last clue as I zoom off...shrieking as the White Rabbit
did "I'm late!, I'm late!" |