01:31 Hantu Field Trip #1: Before we begin the field trip, Alvin introduces
us to the Fine Art of Sucking Coffee Through Tim Tams. Tim Tams (we
found out) were no longer available for sale in Singapore. We had
to get ours from Malaysia. I suspect Tim Tams are no longer sold here
due to some mishap with sucking coffee through them. But we all survived
the episode, more or less unharmed. |
02:26 Hantu Field Trip #2: Here we are at West Coast Pier waiting
to start off. With ALL our gear. |
02:43 Hantu Field Trip #3: The West Coast Pier boat folks all sleep
at their desks...the price of a 24-hour operation I guess. |
03:19 Hantu Field Trip #4: We are most impressed by the super strong
search light of our boat...here lighting up the jetty as we land...
07:32 Hantu Field Trip #5: Just as the sunrises over Hantu... an emergency...
07:34 Hantu Field Trip #6: Robin stepped on a stonefish so rushing
him to hospital now. He is in severe pain. His foot is swelling up
and pain is shooting up his leg. I am getting very nervous...
by yman Posted on 01/08/04 21:50
Oh dear, poor fella Robin, I hope you have fully recovered by
now. Pray that this was not a Reef Stonefish. It is one most
venomous fish in the world.
A Stonefish is called partly because it looks like a stone.
The other reason that it literally gets your "stoned" by its
Perhaps it may be advisable or even mandatory to wear booties
lined with thicker rubber soles to prevent stepping on dangerous
creatures, broken bottles, or floatsom with rusty nails.
Posted by Ria Posted on 01/08/04 22:26
We all wear rubber booties with thick soles on our field trips.
There are very few things that can get through these: stingrays
and stonefish being some of them. Robin is fine and he is now
under 24-hour observation at the hospital. Thanks for your kind
concern. |
07:57 Hantu Field Trip #7: Got Robin safely to hospital. Waited and
waited for an hour before some banging on the table got some news
about Robin. He was stabilised when I finally got to see him. |
10:00 Hantu Field Trip #8: We are alarmed to discover that stonefish
spines can penetrate our booties. |
10:07 Hantu Field Trip #9: We desperately review books about dangerous
animals we might step on on our field trips... |
10:13 Hantu Field Trip #10: Here is what the stonefish looks like.
We will now respect all stones for they could fish! |
10:14 Hantu Field Trip #11: And what the spine looks like... ouch.
10:15 Hantu Field Trip #12: Other dangerous things include Cone snails.
This is why we should collects shells from the beach. The more beautiful,
the larger, the nicer, the more lethal could be...
Posted by yman Posted on 01/08/04 21:41
Pardon me reading with undue caution over these words of warning.
Shouldn't it be prhased as "That is why we SHOULD NOT collect
shells ..." For a minute I thought the intended pun was to advise
people collect the Cone snail, and them watch them writhe in
pain as a painful lesson to learn. Yes there are many colourful
and innocent looking creatures in the shores. Thai construction
workers are notorious for combing the beach to hunt for seafood
during low tides. There were many stories around that they were
poisoned after eating their pick of the day. So take heed of
these warnings and be safe.
Posted by Ria Posted on 01/08/04 22:24 Oops...thanks
for the correction. See, that's what happens after a field trip...lack
of muscular co-ordination :-) But your idea of the pun (intended)
is also good...hmmm... |
01/08/04 10:59 Hantu Field Trip #13 (last): After calling Robin at
the hospital to make sure he was OK, we dedicated these two tubs of
icecream to his speedy recovery. We are proof that icecream cures
all ills! |