15:38 Sungei Buloh #1:
Today the Sungei Buloh staff and volunteers are gathering to say hello
to Sock Ling (back from long leave) and farewell to Linda (going on
study leave)... |
17:12 Sungei Buloh #2:
Here are the two ladies; Sock Ling behind in blue and Linda in front
in pink. |
17:13 Sungei Buloh #3:
Of course any decent farewell involves lots of makan. We can see here
that Robert (not in picture) is taking more than his fair share of
bee hoon... |
17:14 Sungei Buloh #4:
Linda receives a lovely gift from Pui San our resident volunteer artist
who conducts art sessions for the Park. It's a painting of the Aerie
Hide with the Buta-Buta trees in full autumn colours, done last week.
It will ensure Linda remembers us when she is in cold Canada. We are
all so jealous of Linda. |
17:15 Sungei Buloh #5:
Then a rousing sing-a-long by our very talented Buloh staff. A lovely
touching farewell song was specially prepared for Linda which moved
her to tears...darn, camera phone too slow to catch that. |
24/07/04 17:23 Sungei Buloh #6:
The volunteers adjourned to watch a nature movie while we wait for
sunset (more about why we are doing that later...). But Robert and
I decide to have a walk in the Reserve. |
17:29 Sungei Buloh #7:
We take the Mangrove Boardwalk which passes by the lovely view of
the freshwater pond right infront of the Visitor Centre.
17:43 Sungei Buloh #8:
The Bakau trees are blooming especially profusely today. These mangrove
trees are among the few with large and colourful flowers. |
17:50 Sungei Buloh #9:
The boardwalk brings us right among the large mangrove trees, without
our feet getting wet and muddy :-) The tide was coming in so the tree
climbing crabs were really obvious as they scurried up the tree roots
to get away from the rising water and the predatory fish that lurk
in there. |
17:59 Sungei Buloh #10:
There are several shelters where you can stop and observe nature quietly
and at leisure. |
18:09 Sungei Buloh #11:
On the way back, we see the strange box-like fruits of the Sea Poison,
a handsome tall tree with poisonous fruits and other parts. Its poisonous
nature is used by fishermen to catch fish. |
18:28 Sungei Buloh #12:
The mangrove fish tank in the Visitor Centre exhibit always has some
interesting fishes to observe more closely. Here is the fascinating
Archer Fish that can spit down its dinner from overhanging branches.
18:47 Sungei Buloh #13:
The magnificent White-bellied Fish Eagle is always an awesome sight...
19:13 Sungei Buloh #14:
The colourful Stork-billed Kingfisher with stabilo-bos bright orange
feet is a marvel to behold...
Posted on 25/07/04 23:14
Awww some a handsome boy... so lucky!! |
19:15 Sungei Buloh #15:
The Estuarine Crocodile is sometimes sighted at the Reserve, but hard
to spot as it's very well camouflaged...
Posted on 25/07/04 23:14
You saw the croc *frothing in mouth* |
19:16 Sungei Buloh #16:
Of course the Smooth Otter family is the highlight of any trip to
the Reserve. They are spotted regularly, a volunteer said he just
saw them last month.
Posted on 25/07/04 23:15
And otters??? Wahlau -- so unfair!!! |
19:17 Sungei Buloh #17:
Of course you must have been wondering how camera phone could have
taken those wonderful photos? :-) Well, I cheated. I was taking photos
of photos taken by the talented Buloh staff Mr Tay. Here is one of
his amusing photos of the otters...
Posted on 25/07/04 23:16
YOU CHEATED!!!! Here I was gasping for my last breath - out
of complete jealousy. I swear, you are out to murder me right??
Ria Posted on 25/07/04 23:50
Gotcha!! :-) |
19:28 Sungei Buloh #18 (last):
The sun is setting. And the volunteers and staff are now off for a
night walk at the Reserve. Sadly, I say goodbye to them as I have
another engagement tonight... |