12:43 Telok Blangah Hill Park #1:
I was heading for another park when I saw the signage for this park
that I didn't even know existed. I was intrigued. At the top of the
drive up the hill was this list of interesting features... |
12:44 Telok Blangah Hill Park #2:
I decided to check out the "Stream Garden" first. The path downhill
wound beneath tall trees.. |
12:49 Telok Blangah Hill Park #3:
The "Stream Garden" was a tad disappointing (to me anyway) as the
stream was concretised and ran through strangely manicured bushes.
There wasn't anything much alive in the running water...sigh.
Posted on 21/07/04 13:01
Hi Ria, Where in Singapore is this? I am a follwer of you blog.
I open it before I check on mine. I hope you will be able to
migrate all the material to a website when the blogging ends.
Ria Posted on 21/07/04 15:23 You've been so very encouraging
EckKheng, thank you. This lovely gem runs parallel to Depot
Road. The entrace is at Henderson Road and the road up the hill
is Telok Blangah Green. The terraces would be a wonderful place
to have a charming wedding dinner :-) The stone is all mossy,
the view priceless. ALL my stuff, including the MMS uploads
are already migrated to a website that I update every day. It's
at http://www.wildsingapore.com/riablog I am at this very moment,
making up the webpage for the Telok Blangah MMS uploads :-)
21/07/04 12:52 Telok Blangah Hill Park #4:
But the stream appears to have a more natural beginning beneath the
secondary forest that seems to form the core of the Park. Perhaps
the rain today washed out all the little creatures that are normally
found even in such places. |
12:53 Telok Blangah Hill Park #5:
The strange Cannonball tree was again abundant in this part of the
park, in full bloom and fruit. Someone designing the parks must really
like these trees, which are not native to Singapore. |
12:55 Telok Blangah Hill Park #6:
A Very Pebbly Path runs besides the stream, so no doubt we can reflex
and reflect at the same time :-) |
12:56 Telok Blangah Hill Park #7:
There is a little children's playground at the foot of the hill. Though
if I were a child, it would be far more interesting to explore the
bushy undergrowth at the edges of the park. |
21/07/04 13:05 Telok Blangah Hill Park #8:
Back at the first carpark, there are benches with a lovely view of
the trees and plants that cloak the hillside. Little did I know of
the even better view at the top of the hill. |
13:06 Telok Blangah Hill Park #9:
There were intriguing wide paths which were barred to motorised vehicles
but had a speed limit of 15km/hr. For bikes perhaps? |
13:08 Telok Blangah Hill Park #10: The hilldsides are cloaked in secondary
growths including large tree ferns. All growing wild amongst the more
manicured setting. |
13:11 Telok Blangah Hill Park #11: I decided to drive up to the second
carpark where the Terrace Gardens were. These wide steps lead up to
a shady walkway up the hill...very mysterious. |
13:13 Telok Blangah Hill Park #12: And what a fabulous sight at the
end of the shadowy pathway. Tiers of terraces surrounded by masses
bright bougainvilleas. |
13:14 Telok Blangah Hill Park #13:
Even more brightly dressed workers were tending to the bougainvilleas
on the terraces. |
13:15 Telok Blangah Hill Park #14:
And what a spectacular view from the top! Even on this dreary wet
day. On one side, a view of our southern coastline. I could clearly
see Sentosa and some of the southern islands closer to us. |
13:15 Telok Blangah Hill Park #15:
On the other side, a view of the city. I could make out buildings
in the Orchard Road area to the Shenton Way area. The view must be
fabulous in the evening. |
13:18 Telok Blangah Hill Park #16:
On the way down the terraces, a beautiful blossom of the wild Passionfruit
vine... |
13:20 Telok Blangah Hill Park #17:
A half eaten mango on the leaf-strewn ground. Looks like it's been
sampled by some squirrel or perhaps a larger creature? The Park also
has rambutan and other fruit trees, probably a relict from its previous
kampung days? |
13:23 Telok Blangah Hill Park #18 (last):
A last look at the Park signage as I reluctantly leave the Park. Certainly
one worthy of a more leisurely exploration. |