02:12 St John's #1:
yaawn... 2am and the film crew and i are ready to go...the equipment
is the most presentable looking thing right now. The crew look...words
fail me... |
03:18 St John's #2:
At Clifford Pier to take our workboat to St John's. Weather looks
ok and we left Kok Leong behind:) |
03:37 St John's #3:
And we are on our way. . . |
03:39 St John's #4:
The night city skyline. |
05:22 St John's #5:
Alas, we arrived in the middle of a rain storm with lots of lightning
and thunder. Tom is filming the weather:) |
05:29 St John's #6:
Video screen of Tom trying to capture lighting over the city skyline.
05:46 St John's #7:
The technical video term for this device is C47. It is traditionally
used to hold gels to lights. But it also comes in handy to make a
rain shelter :)
Posted on 17/07/04 18:34
It's a clothes peg for crying out loud......kekeke Just name
it C47 and sell it for S$6.60 a pair.
Ria Posted on 17/07/04 21:34
Yah lah, you know I know...but we must be professional you know
:-) |
17/07/04 05:48 St John's #8:
Even breakfast is soggy :-(
Posted on 22/07/04 14:12
That looks like a bunch of sea-cucumbers
jani Posted on 22/07/04 15:56
It's curry puffs right? is my "wild guess" right?
Ria Posted on 23/07/04 09:54
Hey...wrong section gals... |
07:19 St John's #9:
Of course, as soon as the tide comes in and the sun comes up, the
storm clears into a steady drizzle...sigh. Here is Yu Chen in the
foreground with the misty city skyline in the distant background...it
was rather beautiful actually... |
07:22 St John's #10:
St John's fabulous rocky shore frames Sister's Island (the Little
One) in the distant background. |
07:23 St John's #11:
The rugged shoreline of St. John's is home to a variety of corals
and other marine life. Photos will be uploaded later tonight. |
07:25 St John's #12:
A last look at the city skyline from St. John's before we go back.
Now off to work (my Saturday on, bo pien)... |
07:26 St John's #13:
Film crew packing up in the shelter where we huddled in the storm...discussing
Macs versus PCs. The final analysis: Macs look nice but PCs are cheap
and good.
Posted on 17/07/04 18:33
Lucky I (kok leong) was not there or i think i will sponge (absorb)
all the blame. :P
Ria Posted on 19/07/04 19:05
We really missed you. We can always do with more troops in the
PC (i.e., anti-Mac camp) :-) |
07:29 St John's #14:
The dramatic clouds over the city skyline...just can't draw myself
away from the view. |
07:51 St John's #15:
We spot a large mushroom on the way back. It looks exactly like a
nicely toasted bun.
Posted on 18/07/04 01:31
ooh. U must have been hungry then to come up with that metaphor.
You know what those always look like to me? Toasted marshmallows.
Toasted to crispy perfection on the outside, soft and melty
and goey on the insides... *drool* can u tell i'm having a craving...
Ria Posted on 19/07/04 19:05
Oh dear, now you made me hungry too...
gobygirl Posted on 22/07/04 14:10
Looks like a pink muffin -think its a MAGIC MUSHROOM??? hahahaha
08:00 St John's #17 (last):
Film crew and equipment loading up on the workboat...bleep...and battery
on camera phone finally gives up the ghost. We're all worn out as
well and catch some Z'ss on the way back. |