Good morning...3am and the alarm goes off. Time to check out another
shore at super low tide. |
04:06 Changi #1:
The roads are completely empty :-) |
04:07 Changi #2:
Arrive at the Changi chalets. Everybody's still asleep... |
04:10 Changi #3:
I start at the Changi Boardwalk. The phone camera can't capture the
lovely lighting on the scenic rocks and black black sky spangled with
stars. Or the fresh fresh sea breeze...who can sleep through this
:-) |
04:33 Changi #4:
Changi Beach Club is all lit up, the tables ready for breakfast...which
my tummy reminds I haven't had yet...thought I forgot something this
morning. |
05:06 Changi #5:
end point of the walk, this is the temple at Loyang. The tide is coming
in. I had a great night...lots of crabs, gobies and some sponges.
The shore is recovering from the impact of the building of the boardwalk...pictures
will be up later tonight after I process them. |
05:29 Changi #6:
On the way back, two kind gentlemen who were fishing met me. They
saw me going out alone into the dark and we worried for me. They borrowed
a headlight from the security guard and walked out to look for me.
Isn't that sweet. I was so touched. They were fishing but only caught
this one small fish, which they called a "gelama". Apparently nice
to eat. |
16/07/04 05:30 Changi #7:
They use tubeworms as bait. These worms can give a nasty bite, thus
the gloves. These gentlemen really know what they are doing. |
05:31 Changi #8:
Some persuasion and they let me take their picture. "But don't put
it up on the internet yah?" they say...heheh. That's Abdullah on the
left and Albert on the right. They insisted that I take one of their
wonderful fresh watermelon slices. They've been fishing here for a
long time and say the fishing is not as good as it was...sigh. |
05:37 Changi #9:
I leave the kind guys, the last two gentlemen in Singapore I am convinced.
And take the Changi Boardwalk back as the tide has already come in.
05:39 Changi #10:
The Boardwalk is lovely at night. There will be a guided walk of the
Boardwalk tomorrow (Saturday), including an introduction to the lovely
Heritage Trees of Changi by the Green Volunteer Network. You need
to pre-register to join: info@gvn.com.sg or call 6337 6062. More information
at http://www.wildsingapore.com/places/cbw.htm
05:42 Changi #11:
The pavement is strewn with fragrant frangipanis. I sadly leave to
go home and get ready for work. |
05:49 Changi #12 (last):
Breakfast is just a 3-minute drive away at any of the 24-hour coffeshops
at Changi Village. The other kind of "wild life" is still going strong...no
pictures sorry...this blog still rated PG (for now :-) |