Good morning! And what a lovely day it is. Blue skies and wonderful
sunshine. Wish I could be outdoors enjoying the wild...but got to
go to work...sigh.
Posted on 22/07/04 13:55
Wow nice view Ria, where is this place?
Ria Posted on 23/07/04 15:50
Actually, it's just a bunch of trees on a slope next to the
railway line opposite the hillview/diary farm junction. I always
gaze at them for a long time in the morning because the traffic
there is really bad at that time :-) |
13:15 Labrador Park #1:
Today, I thought it's a lovely day, why not drop by Labrador Park
during lunchtime. There are two entrances, uphill is Carpark A, straight
ahead Carpark B. We go uphill first yah? |
13:19 Labrador Park #2:
Walking up the hill, the soothing sounds of cicadas calm me down.
Right at the top of the hill is a little lookout point with a wonderful
view of the Western Coast. I see other people have dropped by to enjoy
the view too.
Posted on 22/07/04 13:51
Right at this spot where the picture was taken, I always look
around for cicada moults! They are usually on the tree trunks
along the board. They are stunning and often bigger than one
would imagine a cicada can grow! |
13:20 Labrador Park #3:
From the lookout, you can also see the jetty from Labrador beach.
As I was updating this MMS, an email came in from Siva that hornbills
were sighted at the Park! Isn't that fabulous! For more and photos,
see Siva's page
on "Hornbills over Labrador". |
13:23 Labrador Park #4:
The Park is also rich in history. There are lots of interpretive signs
explaining the important events and the many artefacts that can be
found in the Park. |
13:34 Labrador Park #5:
Going down via Carpark B, I walk along the Promenade by the sea. Sadly,
this was built on top of a natural beach. Nevertheless, it provides
a lovely walk in the sea breezes.
Posted on 22/07/04 13:52
The Fish Poison Tree are planted along this "promenade". They
are quite mature trees and I love looking at the flowers when
they are in full bloom. |
13:35 Labrador Park #6:
It's also obviously a good place to catch some Z'z during lunchtime
:-) |
13/07/04 13:41 Labrador Park #7:
For me, the best part of the Park is the natural rocky shore right
at the end of the Promenade. This is the last mainland shore with
lots of hard corals! For more pictures, see our page on the Labrador
shore. |
13:43 Labrador Park #8:
One major problem on Labrador shore is poaching of its hard corals
and other living creatures for marine aquariums or simply for "fun".
This behaviour has a large impact on a small and narrow shore like
Labrador. A few volunteers are trying to put together a team to educate
people who visit the shore about this issue. If you would like to
help out, do email me at hello@wildsingapore.com
Posted on 22/07/04 13:55
I love the Labrador beach too!! There are so many things to
see at low tide. I hate the fact that people collect the animals
from there though - it's good that the NParks staff patrol the
area regularly!
jani Posted on 22/07/04 14:22
It's really sad when I hear of such poaching incidents happening.
A lof of people also might not realise that Labrador park is
also a protected park where poaching is illegal. |
13:45 Labrador Park #9:
A lovely surprise! The blossom of the Passion fruit vine, which was
probably growing high up in the trees above. The walkway was littered
with them. |
13:46 Labrador Park #10:
For those who prefer a different kind of "wild" activity, there are
challenging playgrounds for the kids at the Park. There are also exercise
stations, BBQ pits and a toilet. |
13:51 Labrador Park #11:
How nice! A group of school kids coming to the Park for a low-tide
walk on Labrador shore. Led by their teacher Claire. It's nice to
see that people are taking time to share the shore, especially with
our younger ones. |
13:52 Labrador Park #12:
Two enthusiastic visitors from Bukit Panjang Primary School, obviously
looking forward to a fun trip to Labrador shore! |
13:57 Labrador Park #13 (last):
Hungry after the visit to Labrador? There's a little row of "serabat"
stalls at the entrance of the Park. There were lots of taxis parked
nearby so the place MUST be cheap and good :-) I didn't have time
for a bite myself, have to go back to work...late as it is already...die.
Posted on 22/07/04 14:05
I think the goreng pisang and teh halia tarik here are awesome
awesome awesome!!! |