09:54 MacRitchie Prunus trail guiding #1:
A beautiful day to explore our forests... |
09:56 MacRitchie Prunus trail guiding #2:
We are taking the waterside boardwalk.
Posted on 22/07/04 14:02
Look out for the White-bellied sea eagle's nest that can be
seen very clearly from the boardwalk! It's a humongous bunch
of sticks - you can't miss it!! |
10:03 MacRitchie Prunus trail guiding #3:
Genevie our NParks volunteer coordinator leads the first group. |
10:08 MacRitchie Prunus trail guiding #4:
Teck Seng our leading volunteer explains the tembusu tree. |
10:16 MacRitchie Prunus trail guiding #5:
After pestering the other guides hard at work, i slack off at the
start of the trail to wait for my group. |
10:20 MacRitchie Prunus trail guiding #6:
Release of non native animals in our wild places is very damaging.
This is explained in posters around the reservoir.
Posted on 22/07/04 14:00 FYI - based on on-going study by a
graduate student from my lab, the non-native terrapins, the
Red-eared sliders are really pushing the native terrapins such
as the Malayan box terrapin, Black Marsh terrapin and other
soft-shell terrapins from their homes. The non-native terrapins
are now number several times more than our local ones and they
are taking over our waterways!!
Ria Posted on 23/07/04 15:54
Oh dear, it's really quite bad then. Thanks for sharing. Fortunately,
there are increased efforts to educate people on this. Sigh...it
seems such a losing battle. |
10:34 MacRitchie Prunus trail guiding #7:
My new friends from the church of the blessed sacrament... |
11:31 MacRitchie Prunus trail guiding #8:
Genevie spotted a flying lemur! What a special treat for the group.
For photos and factsheets on our very own flying
lemurs in Singapore. |
11:43 MacRitchie Prunus trail guiding #9:
A chestnut! There were several of these intriguing fruits on the forest
floor. It still amazes me what we can see if we look. |
11:54 MacRitchie Prunus trail guiding #10: Genevie tells us about
the tree top walk which will start in August. We all can't wait to
start guiding there. |
12:03 MacRitchie Prunus trail guiding #11:
We say goodbye and they sang a lovely song for me. It was so touching.
Just as we ended, it started to drizzle, truly a God-given day :-)
12:07 MacRitchie Prunus trail guiding #12 (last): Before we leave,
here are some shy young guides-to-be who will soon be guiding the
trail... |